Your Alumni number will be appeared on most of the letters and messages you get from us, including our e-bulletin, just as on your My Ziauddin Card. If you have already updated your information on our website, your Alumni number will be visible on your profile when you sign in.

This form is to request your Ziauddin number by email, which will empower you to enlist on the website. To get your My Ziauddin Card, please sign in to the website to demand one.

Please be noted, any data which is new, or not the same as that held in our records may require checking with the Registrar Office as well as your college/faculty before we can add it to our information base.

Personal Information
Note: As appearing on your degree
Note: 13 digits without '-' e.g 4210217231555
Note: Please provide current email id for future communication
Note: Only digits without '-' e.g 03212568027
Note: Only digits without '-' countrycode-citycode-landlineno e.g 922136368541
Academic Information

Professional/ Career Information
Present Employer Information
Alumni ID Card
Note: Alumni card identifies you as a ZU Alumni. There are many benefits attached to this initiative such as:
* Easy access into all campuses of Ziauddin University.
* Access to Library resources in all the campuses of Ziauddin University.
* Sports & Gym facilities at Clifton campus.
* Get various discounts at different places. Details will be shared from time to time.
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